Web video transcripts and captions are popular ways of enhancing SEO that drives the traffic in the website. This makes the online business successful as a multitude of web visitors are directed into your site. This is made successful by transcription of the video and audio files posted in the website. It is believed that the videos accounts for up to 40-50% of the web search results. Transcribing these videos would increase accessibility as many may not view the videos because of various reasons. Here are the reasons as to why you need to consider web video transcripts and captions in your online business.
Breaks accessibility barriers
Web video transcripts and captions breaks the accessibility barriers that might be blocking many from viewing the posted videos. These barriers are brought about by the individual differences that include visual and audio impairment that makes it difficult for one to watch a video or listen to what the characters in the video are saying. Also, inadequate time blocks many from watching a full video clip and captions. Transcription of video and captions posted online makes it easy for those with audio impairment to read through the text provided while those with partial visual impairment can magnify the text hence reading the contents. In addition, the text form provides enough information for those without enough time to scan through the contents hence making an informed decision.
SEO enhancement
The journey to success for every online business owner is to have enhanced SEO. When the search engines are optimized in the website, the sales are increased as the ranking of the website in the major search engines improves. SEO is enhanced through web video transcripts and captions. It is important to note that the videos posted online cannot Enhance SEO. However, having video transcripts and captions allows for use of specific keywords hence fueling the SEO of the website. This draws many web visitors into the site hence enhanced business.
Promotes creation of contents
Web contents posted in different pages of the website promotes SEO and provides detailed information about the services and products being traded in the website. These contents can be created in form of articles derived from the web video transcripts and captions. This is because the transcripts help in generating keywords that are essential in writing of blogs, whitepapers as well as how-to articles.
Facilitates deep links
Deep links are facilitated by posting of the captions especially in the YouTube. This is made possible by the phrases transcribed in the web video such that if one types in the specific phrase at a specific time a link is created that redirects the person to the video. This makes the videos easy to access online hence making the website known to many through web video transcripts and captions. More on video transcription.